What’s the point?!!

On most Sunday mornings, I take a nature walk around a nearby lake for a couple of hours. I love being in nature as it is very grounding and allows me to clear my head, and admire the beauty, serenity, the sun and fresh air. I truly love hearing the sounds of my steps on a dirt trail, the breeze as it moves through the trees, birds chirping, squirrels scampering along the branches, the ducks in the lake, and the lizards as they rustle amongst the leaves on the ground. I love feeling the warmth of the sun, as well as a cooling breeze, and breathing in that fresh, clean air that surrounds me. I feel a great sense of gratitude for being alive, healthy, and able to take all of this in.

To me, and I believe that this is true for nearly everyone, the whole point of making the effort to be outside and in nature, is to enjoy the natural beauty of this earth and to escape the man made urban (or suburban) concrete jungle and its sights, sounds, and smells, etc. To disconnect and recharge a bit.

So what the hell is the point of bringing the urban environment with you to a natural surrounding outside? It is amazing to me how many people come out to the lake to be outside, hiking, biking, whatever, and spend the entire time with their nose glued to their phones. Or blaring their choice of music, which is simply ruining the whole experience for everyone within earshot. Or smoking cigarettes (or other substance) therefore polluting the air you breathe and also for everyone in proximity, only to throw the cigarette butts on the trail. Have you ever heard of a forest fire?! What the hell is the point of this unconscious behavior? It is bad enough that our cities are filled with all of this garbage, but do you have to destroy what is left of our natural surroundings as well?

We all have the right to enjoy nature and live our lives as we see fit. However, we do not have the right to engage in behaviors that are intrusive to others, and certainly do not have the right to destroy what few precious things are left on this great green earth we live on. At least that is my belief.

However, that is not the point I want to make here. The point is, no matter what you are doing or desire / intend to do, do it fully. Be present and fully engaged in what you are doing. Focus on the goal, the benefit, or the objective you want to achieve. Maximize your experience in everything you do.

So, for example, if you want to be in nature, then BE IN NATURE! Put the phone on silent and keep it in your pocket. Leave the music off and enjoy the sounds of nature instead. Leave the cigarettes (or whatever you smoke) in the car and breathe in some fresh air for a change. The point is that you made the time and effort to be outside, so get the full mileage and experience from it.

By being focused, present, and fully in engaged in what you do, you maximize your experience and benefits from that activity. And in some cases, you also contribute to the experiences of others, which is also pretty cool. So think about what the point of your activity is, and go for it.  It Can Be You!

Yes, it has been a while…

Hi there! Well, as you can see, it has been 7 months since my last post. Let me tell you, life has been busy during this time. A relationship ended. I moved. I became an “empty nester”. And I have changed jobs. In short, my entire life has changed. In fact, when I look into the mirror, I can barely recognize myself. The core is still there, but in many respects, I am a completely different person from what I once was. And despite the pain, stress, and challenges I went through, it was all for the better and totally worth it. And the exciting part is that there is more to come. So here we go, and I promise to make the effort to write more frequently. Thanks for being here. Tim


So, we are well into March now. Right around the time that the first wave of New Year’s “resolutioner’s” give up and stop going to the gym. Are you one of those folks? I’ve noticed the number of people working out start to thin at my gym. Let’s not kid ourselves. This situation is pretty typical and happens every year. The same goes for those who have started diets in January. Those folks usually last for a couple of weeks. I mean, you have to admit, it’s pretty damn hard to survive on raw veggies and water for a sustained period.

Besides, while you can certainly lose weight by only dieting, you can’t achieve true fitness or wellness without exercise. And while you can certainly attain a certain level of fitness just by exercising, but you cannot truly be fit without a proper diet. I realize that I am stating the obvious, but it is amazing to me how many people still don’t get it.

I have a friend who is always saying that she is going to lose weight, get back in shape, etc. She has spent thousands of dollars on equipment, workout clothes, videos, weight loss supplements, diet plans, etc. She buys boatloads of vegetables to eat healthy. Yet, she works out sporadically. The diets, supplements, etc. only last a few days. The vegetables rot in the fridge, while she snacks on buttered popcorn, nachos, whatever. You get the picture. Do you think she is losing weight or getting fit?

Being a fit person is a lifestyle. Period. You cannot expect to go on a diet or exercise program for a few weeks, months, whatever, and have that result in a lasting improvement.


If you want to lose weight, be fit, etc. you have to become that person. Do what fit the people do. Which means working out 4 days a week, in addition to living an active lifestyle; eating sensibly and healthy 90 percent of the time, only having a treat on occasion.


To be fit, it takes more than just consistently showing up at the gym. HOW you work out is equally important as the frequency. To some folks, a work out consists of going on a walk. While going for a walk outside is a really nice thing to do from a wellness perspective, if you intend to change your body and become a fit person, walking isn’t going to cut it. Walking is NOT the same as working out. Now, if you are seriously obese or out of shape, you may have to start with just walking. If you are unsure of your capacity for exercise, seek the advice of your Physician. Ideally, you would participate in a variety of work out activities including cardio, resistance training, maybe some cross-fit or yoga. Regardless of what you are doing, you have to consistently push yourself to go harder, go longer, etc. Always seek to do more, but don’t over train and injure yourself. When I’m at the gym, I observe quite a few people who just “go through the motions”. They go on the treadmill for a few minutes, go drink some water, then make their way toward a machine. They do a few reps, then walk around some more, sit on a bench and text on their phone. I even saw a guy light up a cigarette as he was pulling out of the parking lot! Seriously! Look, you are there to do work. To sculpt your body into whatever shape you desire. You’ve already dragged your ass into the place, so get some benefit out of it! So, consistently show up, and consistently push yourself to do better.


Your results are directly correlated with your commitment level. Plain and simple. Again, this is a lifestyle. There is nothing to quit or give up on. You either are a fit person (mindset first, body second) or you’re not. You create your new habits, make them routine, and live like the person you want to be. Easier said than done in the beginning. That is where your compelling reasons for changing come into play. If you find yourself wavering, take a look at what you are thinking and telling yourself in those moments. You are likely thinking about the work, effort, or commitment. Focus on the result! Don’t think about the work. DO the work. Focus on the result. Keep your “eye on the prize”! Always have a mental picture of what you want to look like in the back of your mind. “Look” at that picture constantly. Envision that perfect body. Especially when you are craving an unhealthy snack, a fattening meal, alcohol on a weekday, etc. Feeling too tired or busy to go to the gym. Everyone’s tired. Everyone’s busy. Hold that picture in your mind. That is what you are going for. No excuses.


Happy New Year!!!

Jan 1, 2016

Happy New Year!! I hope you all had a great and safe celebration last night, and I wish you a healthy, happy, prosperous, and fulfilling year.

As you know, it is at this time of year that people often reflect upon the past and look to the future. Many resolve to pursue new endeavors, or get “back on track” toward the achievement of previous plans and goals.

So what is it that you want to accomplish? Do you know? Are you sure? Figuring out what we want can be the most difficult part. You should also think about why you want it, not just what you want. It’s the strength and depth of your “whys”, your deep rooted reasons for achieving something, which will carry you through challenges in reaching your goals.

So you have a list of the things you want to accomplish? Great! So which one will you go after first? Prioritizing your goals is a very important step. Certain objectives may need to be met before others can be obtained. You may also consider going after smaller, easier, or short-term goals to build momentum before tackling larger projects. Your priorities need to be established as you create your plans of action.

Ah! Plans! If you fail to plan, you plan to fail. You need your navigation system, or a plan, to get from point “A” to point “B”. Creating a sound plan is critical to your success. In doing so, you will also identify the steps, resources, and requirements for getting to where you want to go.

Commitment. Drive. Perseverance. How bad do you want it? This is what ultimately fuels you on your journey. If your “why’s” aren’t strong enough and you aren’t committed at a core level, you won’t achieve your ambitions.

Stay tuned to this website for future features which will give you the detailed information and tools to help you get exactly what it is that you want from your life. Just remember, it’s you who has to do the work. But if you are committed, It Can Be You.

See you soon,
